Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reunion pics

1 comment:

Jess said...

I just missed my 5-year reunion. I have it in my head that it's gonna be some Romy and Michelle-type affair, and I want to be the guy that shows up in the private jet! High school was just SO miserable. I don't know why it should seem important to show those meanie momo heads up, but it just seems to be! Like you saw in the picture, our high school marching band was JROTC, so we were definitely NOT cool. I think there were only 2 of us left in it by senior year from my class. Sad. Maybe by my 10-year I'll have made my millions and will buy some nice body parts and go in and be like, "hey, what's up?"

I'm the silliest goose in the whole pond.