Tickets are $10 if purchased at the church, or (for those who are less easily taken in by this blatant attempt at proselytizing) $11.50 if purchased online from a safe distance. For more info or tech support call the church at (615) 896-4515.
*(Tickets may also be available at the door, but bring cash; those American Express commercials don’t always tell the whole story).
This event kicks off the annual CCA conference, which runs through Tuesday, June 2, also held at the church. The conference will encourage, instruct and challenge those interested in pursuing comedy for a living (psychological evaluations encouraged, but not required). The event will include seminars and critiques by professional comics, worship music by Clay Crosse, and a special presentation from financial advisor/author/radio host Dave Ramsey (a man who has gotten his share of laughs in his time by advising people to save money and avoid using credit cards…but who’s laughing now, right, Dave?).